Romans 9-11: Beyond the Salvation Debate

500-year-old debates can be boring. And frankly, if a debate goes on for that long, one could be forgiven for wondering about the debate’s relevance. And yet, still to this day, millions of us Christians will debate whether or not salvation can be lost and/or regained. One of the key passages brought up in such… Continue reading Romans 9-11: Beyond the Salvation Debate

The Spirit of Gifts

“But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it is said, ‘When he ascended on high he made captivity itself a captive;    he gave gifts to his people.’” – Ephesians 4:7-8 Gracefully floating back down, your cape waves majestically. The ground is honored to host your presence. All is calm…but… Continue reading The Spirit of Gifts

Brian McLaren on “Reasonable Doubts”

I was invited to listen to Brian McLaren, emerging church forefather (I guess you could say) on a show called “Reasonable Doubts.” The show is basically an intellectual, agnostic show, attempting to reason out issues in religion that people don’t usually realize. In other words, it’s the Skeptic Station. Frankly, I liked the show for their honesty in questions. And I still have some questions, yes.