Social Media Reminders

Hi-hi! This is just a short reminder that the ministry is alive and well on both Facebook and Twitter! There are several ways to connect: (1) the buttons near the top of the right-hand column of the main web page (2) Mike’s page on Facebook itself (3) Mike’s Twitter feed   Don’t be shy to join in and/or share. As I’ve… Continue reading Social Media Reminders

The Militarization of Christianity: Fallacy and Fact

At first blush, it appears the Interwebz are crawling with religious articles that beg to be picked apart. And no, I don’t mean articles written in the 1970s, or five years ago, or even last year.

Today’s lucky contestant is Dale Martin, a professor of religious studies featured in an article published this very Thursday, September 18, about new ideas as to the “real reasons” behind Jesus’ crucifixion for Newsweek. Mr. Martin, sir, please come on down.

Where Should Homeless People Go?

Congratulations, America: you are on the verge of implosion. For better or worse, a country is no greater than its citizens, and thousands of citizens are now being legally exiled, not for being criminal, or volatile, or even for being “illegal,” but for being hungry. “Wait…for being hungry?” Yes. In a brash move only fit… Continue reading Where Should Homeless People Go?