How Far Is Too Far?

Don’t worry, I’m not getting immoral. I’m just getting political. Why I’m getting political would be a good question to ask…of myself. Most of the time when I do, I’m not entirely sure I want to be, and yet I’ve no idea how not to be. That last point is one of the reasons I’m… Continue reading How Far Is Too Far?

The Danger of “Prooftexting”

We’ve all been there: a friendly question turns into a pointed question; a well-meaning discussion turns into a heated argument. Words flow like a dam-burst, and the damage might as well be subject to an agency for interpersonal disaster relief. But what if we could prevent the cracks in the dam in the first place?… Continue reading The Danger of “Prooftexting”

The Militarization of Christianity: Fallacy and Fact

At first blush, it appears the Interwebz are crawling with religious articles that beg to be picked apart. And no, I don’t mean articles written in the 1970s, or five years ago, or even last year.

Today’s lucky contestant is Dale Martin, a professor of religious studies featured in an article published this very Thursday, September 18, about new ideas as to the “real reasons” behind Jesus’ crucifixion for Newsweek. Mr. Martin, sir, please come on down.

What’s In A Christmas List?

In the classic Charlie Brown special, Linus gives one of my favorite lines: “Christmas has not only become too commercial, it’s become toooooo dangerous.”       One could be easily forgiven now for thinking about Christmas like Linus. If anything, “commercials” are much of what we remember about the holiday season in our Western,… Continue reading What’s In A Christmas List?

False Atonement: Modern Dichotomy and The Postmodern Christian

While postmodernism is a ground-shaker, and many have taken to it rather…slowly…for good reasons, there’s one highly disagreeable reason, and that is the desire to hold onto false dichotomies. Pop quiz!   Postmodernism, as a rule, deconstructs things in order to their root assumptions. One misunderstanding about postmodernism is that reconstructing things is not an… Continue reading False Atonement: Modern Dichotomy and The Postmodern Christian